What You Will See, and What You Will Hear! Isaiah 18. And Yes! WE Will ALL Be There!

Even those who crucified Him, Rev 1:7.

Some think that if we do not know the date and hour of Jesus Coming (which we don’t!), that means there will be no signs of Jesus Second Coming.

This is a Fallacy.

There are many things of which we may not know the day or hour, yet there will be signs of these things being about to happen. You may not know the day or the hour that snow will next fall where you live, HOWEVER, there will signs of snow approaching. Freezing temperatures. Snowy looking clouds.

There are many things we do not or cannot know, but there will be signs of Jesus approaching coming (Lk 21:25-28), and we are to be “Watching,” Mk 13:37 KJV.

An audio lesson:

Listen to this lesson here, or click on the player to download as a podcast.

To try to unravel the book of Revelation without the Old Testament prophets, is something which I do not think can be done. The book Revealing the Christian Age, tries to tie together many of the main links. Available from your bookseller.

An Uproar of the Nations, and Who Will Be Protected? Isaiah 17

An uproar, a tumult, of the nations against God and His Christ and His followere here on earth, and is a subject of the both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and is talked about in many passages, including Revelation, and in Isaiah 17.

A key question is: Who will be protected during those times? And Scripture gives some answers.

An audio lesson.

Listen to this lesson here, or click on the player to download as a podcast.

God does look after His own!

More details on these things are given in both Prophecy Principles and Revealing the Christian Age.

Revealing the Christian Age gives the reader the tools for a second look at the book of Revelation. For more information click the books tab at the top of this site. These books are available from your book seller.